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Roundtable of the Appeals Court

June 17-19 in Durres, Albania, Academy of Justice supported by UN is conducting a roundtable for the Appeals Court judges.

This roundtable is being a forum for discussion of the following issues:

  • Disputes for compensation of salaries when retiring from civil service – competence, cases when the first instance courts is ex officio declared as jurisdictionally incompetent,
  • Cases of the preliminary review of the lawsuit, competence to decide related to requests of the parties for paying the debt towards KEDS/KEK,
  • Court competence to decide in contested procedure and uncontested procedure, in cases of expropriation of real estate and for the damage caused outside the expropriated property,
  • Quality of the enforcement documents, decision of the labor inspection for the jubilee salaries and for retirement,
  • Approval of the claim for compensation of the material damage caused in traffic accidents when there is no written evidence, and proving of the factual state through expertise, when previous expertise is contradictory.

Beneficiaries of the outcomes from these roundtable discussions are judges of the Appeals Court – civil, commercial and administrative divisions.





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