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Meeting of the Editorial Board of the Academy

Prishtina, 02 September 2019, at the Academy of Justice, was held the first meeting of the Editorial Board of the "Opinio Juris" and "Justicia" magazines of the Academy of Justice.

Ms. Luljete Hetemi, Acting Director of the Academy of Justice based on the decision of the Managing Council on May 31, 2019, informed the members of the Editorial Board with the mandate of this Council as well as the rights and responsibilities of the Academy's "Opinio Juris" and "Justicia" magazines.  Further, she informed the members that the transformation of the KJI into the Academy has raised the need to revise the former Kosovo Judicial Institute's Research and Publication Regulations, as well as the establishment of new bodies including the composition of the Editorial Board.

During this meeting, special attention was paid to the discussions on Publication Standards issued by the AJ Executive Director, which will be the basis for the evaluation of the material and other issues related to the work of the body. Furthermore, members of the Editorial Board discussed in particular the motivation of the legal community on research work for the magazine “Opinio Juris” with the purpose of increasing the quality and the work for this magazine. In addition, other issues related to the lack of international impact on this magazine were highlighted and therefore the focus of this body (the Editorial Board) will be on raising the awareness on this issue as a first step and then on publication.

Since the Justicia magazine of newly appointed judges and prosecutors who completed the Initial Training Program is unpublished due to the lack of consolidation of the Editorial Board, all unanimously agreed to evaluate the work that has ever been submitted by and then work on the next publication of  Justicia Magazine of newly appointed judges and prosecutors currently undergoing initial training at the Academy of Justice.

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