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Handbook Release Ceremony: Court of Appeal Practice Focused on Cases Returning to Review

On September 23, the Academy of Justice, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), organized the publication of the Handbook: "The Court of Appeal's practice focused on cases return to retrial".

The handbook presents an overview of the Court of Appeal practice, the civil division, the administrative affairs department and the economic affairs department. Judges of the Court of Appeal in coordination with the Academy of Justice have identified the most frequent violations in practice, offering solutions through the practice of the Court of Appeal. The Handbook also contains adequate guidance on the procedural actions to be taken to reduce the trend of cases being returned for retrial and the increase if the efficiency in resolving court cases.  Those present at the ceremony were addressed on this occasion by Ms. Luljet Hetemi, Executive Director of the Academy of Justice, by Mrs. Marta Gazideda, on behalf of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Good Governance Portfolio Manager / Deputy Program Coordinator, President of the Supreme Court, Mr. Enver Peci, as well as from the Judicial Council, Makifete Saliuka.

On behalf of the authors of this handbook, Mr. Hasan Shala, President of the Court of Appeal, and Mr. Albert Zogaj, Judge of the Court of Appeal.

Mrs. Luljet Hetemi emphasized, among other things, that this publication will serve as a guide in the process of making justice and at the same time as an additional tool and resource for professional development of judges.

Mrs. Marta Gazideda, in her speech, emphasized the readiness of the Norwegian state to provide assistance to Kosovo and its institutions and in this case through the UNDP project the printing of this manual.

Mrs. Saliuka emphasized the importance of this handbook, and thanked all the contributors without exceptions, while the President of the Supreme Court, Mr. Enver Peci said, among other things, that the handbook is a value that will be of benefit to all judges regardless the level, and thanked the Academy and UNDP including the judges of the Court of Appeal for its publication.

On behalf of the authors of this publication, Mr. Hasan Shala and Mr. Albert Zogaj unanimously stated that this handbook will be of particular assistance to the judges of the Basic Courts and the implementation of its instructions will have the effect of reducing the cases returned for retrial. They further expressed their gratitude to the Academy and the UNDP for facilitating the drafting of this handbook, hoping that it will not be over as they expect legislative changes such as the Civil Code, that without discussion will need a commentary and other resources such as this handbook.

The ceremony was attended by presidents of courts, judges of all levels, judges of all levels especially from the civil division, administrative and economic department, representatives of UNDP and the Academy of Justice.       


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