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Implementation of the Law on Civil Registration (civil status registries, subsequent registration and re-registration)

On October 23, 2019, the Academy of Justice, within the framework of the Continuous Training Program (CTP), in cooperation with UNCHR and CRPK conducted a training on: “Implementation of the Law on Civil Registration (civil status registries, subsequent registration and re-registration)”.

The purpose of this training was to enhance the knowledge of participants regarding the organization of the civil status of Kosovo and the its developing stages toward proper implementation of legal provisions of the Law on Civil Status.

The training covered the legal provisions for civil status registries in the Republic of Kosovo, civil status registries - correction and completion in the Central Civil Status Registry, birth registration based on basic birth documents, subsequent registration and re-registration. registration.

The training was conducted in the form of an interactive debate involving all participants. The dilemmas posed in this training have been solved through responses of trainers engaged or by experts at the UNHCR and CRPK.

Beneficiaries of this training were: professional associates, legal officers from courts and prosecution offices and officials from UNHCR and CRPK.

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