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The role and duties of the lay judge in court proceedings

On November 1, 2019, the Academy of Justice within the CTP conducted a training on: "The role and duties of a lay judge in court Proceedings".

The purpose of this training was to enhance the knowledge of participants through professional discussions and presentation of best practices, as well as through elaboration of practical cases, increasing as such professional capacity building in complying with the Code of Ethics.

During this training, the role of the lay judge in the court procedure was emphasized, with special emphasis on the Code of Ethics aimed at preventing unethical behaviors as well as preventing conflicts of interest, misconduct and ultimately losing citizens' credibility and the trust of the public in general. Attention was paid to the issue that lay judges, depending on what level they are in, should take utmost care of impartiality and respect it with the highest commitment. The lay judge must be independent, fair and impartial throughout the time while holding the respective function.

Beneficiaries of this training were Lay Judges from all regions of Kosovo.

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