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Solemn Ceremony on the commencement of the Initial Legal Education Program

On 18 September 2008, Kosovo Judicial Institute organised the solemn conference ceremonating the Initial Legal Education Program, during which Kosovo Judicial Institute will prepare future Kosovo judges and prosecutors. On the same occasion, supported by UNDP, KJI published its Strategic Plan 2008/2011 and the new website.

This ceremony was honoured by the presence of the President of Kosovo Republic Mr. Fatmir Sejdiu, and many other state personalities of the Kosovo Republic, leaders of the judicial institutions, representatives of international community in Kosovo supporting the justice system and representatives of regional judicial training centres.  

In the opening of the ceremony, the Director of the Kosovo Judicial Institute emphasised that in order to come to this historical day, Kosovo Judicial Institute had to go through very long, difficult and challenging journey. This journey started in 2000 when the Kosovo Judicial Institute was established by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo as the main institution for training of judges and prosecutors and continued its mandate when on 24 April 2006, Kosovo Assembly adopted the Law on Establishing the Kosovo Judicial Institute as an independent, professional and main responsible institution to train judges and prosecutors, whereas, today starts the new and most crucial development of the Kosovo Judicial Institute. 

On behalf of the Kosovo Judicial Institute, Prof. Dr. Vesel Latifi, President of the KJI Managing Board welcomed all participants at the ceremony. In addition to, he stated that this solemnity is ceremonating one of the most crucial legal programs of the Kosovo Judicial Institute. Among other issues, Mr. Latifi expressed his gratitude to the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, UNDP, USAID, Council of Europe and to all donors that provided and will continue to provide support to the Kosovo Judicial Institute by concluding the speech Mr. Latifi stated, “in order to guarantee the rule of law and better life to all citizens of the Kosovo Republic, the task to professionally prepare new generations of judges and prosecutors is full of challenges”.   

The presence of the President of Kosovo Republic Mr. Fatmir Sejdiu, during the ceremony was the best signal that guaranteed full support to the KJI, Mr. Sejdiu during his speech emphasised that the rule of law is one of the main challenges for all Institutions of the Kosovo Republic, which can be overcomed only through an independent, impartial, effective and efficient judicial system and superior preparation of future generations. In addition to, Mr. Sejdiu stated, “despite of the willingness and good work, it is necessary to carry out the reformation of the judicial and prosecutorial system, in fact, the concrete a step to be followed for the judicial reformation is providing of adequate education to judges and prosecutors. Initial Legal Education Program and Continuous Legal Education Program are the main foundation of the Kosovo Judicial Institute for the promotion of the judicial and prosecutorial values”.   

Mr. Arsim Janova, deputy Minister of Justice, emphasised the importance of the Ministry of Justice for launching the judicial reformation, as the necessity of the time period when Kosovo intends to develop an efficient and credible judiciary in line with the European standards.

Mr. Rexhep Haxhimusa, President of the Kosovo Supreme Court and Judicial Council, during his speech emphasised that Kosovo Judicial Institute as the part of the justice system, is successfully fulfilling its irreplaceable mandate in the professional preparation of future generations of Kosovo judges and prosecutors, for what deserves special credit and support by all relevant institutions, but also by international mechanisms in Kosovo supporting the development of the effective rule of law. In addition to, Mr. Haxhimusa stated, “I’m convinced that undergoing special training courses on the main fields of the law is an advantage for the candidates for judges and prosecutors, during which can increase their professional skills and knowledge, after which will be ready to immediately contribute to the rule of law in our society”.

Moreover, the representatives of UNDP, USAID, OSCE Mission in Kosovo, found that this program marks the beginning of a new way of recruitment of judges and prosecutors, that prior of being appointed shall be prepared by the Kosovo Judicial Institute. All aforementioned representatives ensured that KJI will not be alone during this process, but will enjoy the full support.

At the end of the ceremony, the President of Kosovo Republic Mr. Fatmir Sejdiu, in a symbolical manner, handed over the edition of training modules to the candidate who achieved the highest score during the Preparatory/Entry Exam.

The first training session dedicated to the candidates for judges and prosecutors will commence on 22 September 2008 and continue for 15 months.

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