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“Contracts – terms for the conclusion of the contracts and their effects”

On February 5 and 6, 2013, KJI in cooperation with UNWOMEN conducted a training session from the field of human rights and gender equality where the topics of the module were addressed “Human Rights and Gender Equality – International Instruments, Domestic Violence and Key Procedural Issues, as well as Property and Inheritance issues. 

The purpose of this training was for the participants to develop their analytical and research skills for the implementation of the international standards and of the local legislation on human rights of women in particular. At the same time were analyzed the state obligations towards human rights of women and practical cases with which women face during the realization of their rights. 

At this training were identified the difficulties that the courts are facing when deciding on request for emergency protective order and the protective order within the legal time frame. 
Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic courts, victim defenders and lawyers from the Gjilan region.

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