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Seminar on Energy Community Law

On 21-22 November 2019, in Skopje Northern Macedonia, at the invitation of the Academy of Justice for judges and prosecutors, and with the support of the European Energy Community Secretariat was held the first meeting and seminar on the Energy Community Law.

The purpose of this seminar was to raise awareness and knowledge on the European Union legislation in the field of energy, environment and beyond and to integrate this legislation into the training curriculum for judges, especially for civil and administrative judges.

On this occasion, was discussed the importance and developments in Europe and the efforts of the countries that are in the Euro-integration process in harmonizing completely the national legislation with the EU legislation, including also the energy area. Special attention was also paid to the inclusion of trainings for judges on community energy, environment and competition law relevant to the rapid development of aspiring countries.

The seminar was attended by representatives of Judicial Academies from Serbia, Montenegro, Georgia, Moldova, Kosovo and Albania, as well as the President of the Constitutional Court, the President of the Energy Regulatory Commission, the President of the Competition Commission, judges of the Constitutional Court, the Administrative Court judges of Skopje, the judges of the Skopje Civil Court, lawyers, professors of law schools in Northern Macedonia, as well as representatives of other relevant institutions.

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