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International conference “Strategic Priorities for Regional Cooperation against Cybercrime”

On February 13, 14 and 15, 2013, in Dubrovnik, Croatia, was held the Conference on the topic “Strategic Priorities for Regional Cooperation against Cybercrime”. This conference was supported by the joint project of the European Union and the Council of Europe - "Cybercrime @ IPA".

The aim of the project was to strengthen institutional capacities in the field of Criminal Justice of Western Balkan countries and Turkey, on effective cooperation in combating computer crime”. 

Also at the conference was presented and revised the Assessment Report which was developed based on the assessment made in the beneficiary countries in October / November of 2012. The purpose of this report was to provide to the officials of the beneficiary countries information on the progress made regarding the expected results of the project. This report provides conclusions and recommendations for future actions to ensure sustainability.

On the third day of the conference, was held also the meeting of Ministers and Senior Officials of the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Internal Affairs and Prosecutor of countries and regions participating in the project such as: Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia as the host, who discussed and adopted the “Declaration on Strategic Priorities in Cooperation against Cybercrime”.

The Republic of Kosovo in this conference was represented by the Minister of European Integration, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, and senior officials from the State Prosecution Office, Ministry of Justice, Department for International Legal Cooperation, Kosovo Police - Department of Organized Crime/Computer Crime Investigation Department, Financial Intelligence Unit, while Kosovo Judicial Institute was represented by the Program Coordinator of KJI.

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