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Specialized Training Program – Strengthening professional capacities in combating cybercrime - Session III

On 04-05 December 2019, the Academy of Justice, within the framework of the Continuous Training Program (CTP), conducted specialized training on: “Strengthening professional capacities in combating cybercrime - Session III”.

The training aimed at advancing the knowledge of participants on cross-border and international cooperation in combating cybercrime.

The training focused mostly on cross-border and international co-operation in combating cybercrime, competent institutions dealing with these offenses and other offenses related to cybercrime, opportunities for successful prosecution of international e-crime and cybercrime.

The training was conducted through interactive discussions, handling of practical cases, discussion of challenges and difficulties in practice faced by judges and prosecutors during their work.

During the training were used methods of comparing domestic and international legislation that sanctioning cybercrime and international best practices in combating this phenomenon.

Beneficiaries of this training were: Judges from the Court of Appeal and Basic Courts, Prosecutor from the Prosecution Offices of the Republic of Kosovo.

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