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Judgment in minor offence procedure

December 13th 2019, Academy of Justice within the CTP trainings, conducted training on “Judgment in the minor offence procedure”.

Purpose of this training was to extend the judges professional knowledge on correct implementation of the modern methods of drafting, writing and reasoning of court decisions.

This training elaborated on the forms of decisions that may be issued in the minor offence procedure. Principal attention was paid to skills development in writing and reasoning of court decisions (analysis of the factual situation, assessment of evidence and implementation of the legal norms – examples).

Preliminarily, the training elaborated on consequent implementation of legal provisions that shall be applied when writing a court decision for cases when deciding about a minor offence case by the court.

Training methodology was combined with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions followed with group work of the participants.

Beneficiaries of these trainings were judges from the minor offence division from different regions of Kosovo.

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