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Seminar: Civil Law Appeal and reasons of filing the Appeal

On 19 November 2009, a civil law seminar under the topic “Appeal and Grounds of the Appeal” was conducted. The event in question aimed to develop the professional skills of judges trying first instance cases and how to comply with the provisions foreseen by the LCP during the first instance proceedings. Whereas, the subjects treated in the due course focused on the assessment of the appealing grounds, due to which the court of the second instance may modify or abrogate the judgment of the court of the first instance. A special attention was paid to the drawing of a judgment by the court of second court instance in relation to the modification or abrogation of judgment rendered by the court of first instance The following conclusion was drawn out of this seminar: according to the applicable procedure, a different court may rule over the appealed case, other than the court that rendered the judgment. The beneficiaries of the respective seminar were the civil law judges from all regions of Kosovo.

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