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Seminar: Civil Law Court Jurisdiction on Administrative Disputes

On 26 November 2009, a seminar under the topic “Court Jurisdiction in Administrative Disputes” was organized. The event in question aimed to provide advanced knowledge to the judges regarding the court jurisdiction in the resolution of administrative conflicts and the application of the respective provisions foreseen by the LCP. The following were the conclusions drawn out of this seminar: The court within a judicial procedure decides on the lawfulness of administrative acts drawn by the administrative bodies, The court verifies and assesses the lawfulness of the administrative act drawn as a result of a lawsuit filled by the natural or legal persons or a different authorized subject, if the same is in violation of any rights or legal interests, or if such violation occurred as a result of an omission of the administrative body,The court decides when the administrative conflict occurred as a result of the administrative procedure, or the fact whether the administrative act was rendered at all, There is no administrative conflict if no prior administrative procedure is conducted, respectively, when there is no action taken by the administrative body (administrative omission), Overseeing of the administrative body’s performance is entrusted to the judicial power due to its independent function, which is the main perquisite for the lawfulness of the administrative proceedings, especially during the decision-making process. The beneficiaries of the respective seminar were civil law judges from all regions of Kosovo.

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