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Seminar - “Compulsory Heirs”

On February 18, 2011, KJI organized a seminar from the civil field on the topic “Compulsory Heirs”. The main purpose of this seminar was to advance the knowledge regarding the compulsory share, compulsory heirs, unworthiness for inheritance and the privation from inheritance.

The importance of this seminar consists in the fact that after its completion judges will be able to:

  • To explain the “compulsory part” and its legal nature,
  • To differ the rules when the decedent infringes the compulsory share of the compulsory heirs,
  • To differ the circle of the compulsory heirs,
  • To separate the “compulsory share” and its calculation,
  • To determine the cases and causes of unworthiness for inheritance,
  • Reviewing the development of the proper court proceedings of inheritance.
  • To unify the court practice that is implemented in different regions of Kosovo.

The beneficiaries of this seminar were civil judges from all the regions of Kosovo and professional associates

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