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CLEP Court Management

On February 25 and 26, 2013, KJI in cooperation with USAID / EROL (Effective Rule of Law Program), conducted a two-day training on the topic “Court Management”.
The purpose of this workshop was to identify the challenges, problems, concerns and difficulties that court presidents, judges and court administrators encounter in their work, especially now as the judicial system is undergoing the reform phase with the entry into force of Law on Courts and other basic laws.
The training focused on issues such as: the role of the leader in the transformation of the judiciary, planed supervision, responsible leadership, supervision of the procurement segment, human resources management, staff concerns as well as needs assessment for the training of judges and court staff.
During the workshop were also discussed concerns that are obstructing the work of judges, obstacles in the management of courts, judges' working conditions, lack of offices, lack of courtrooms, etc.

The beneficiaries of the roundtable were the presidents of the courts, judges, supervisors, senior clerks, administrators and assistant administrators of the courts.

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