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Meeting of the Program Council of the Academy of Justice

On June 18, 2020,  at the Academy of Justice was held the forthcoming meeting of the Programme Council.

The focus of this meeting, as the main point was the discussion and review of the draft Initial Training Program for newly appointed judges 2020/2021, who are in the process of recruitment by the Kosovo Judicial Council.

During the meeting, the members of the Program Council discussed the content, structure, topics included in the program, the duration of the training sessions, the methodology  ofconducting  the initial training and other important issues for the implementation of this training program. It was also emphasized that in addition to theoretical training, the judicial practise should be treated as well, so that the modules should be designed as in a way that training is always accompanied by cases and opinions from practice, in this regard newly appointed judges have the opportunity to illustrate and specify different examples faced during their work as judges.

The Program Council, in addition to reviewing the draft Initial Training Program for newly appointed judges 2020/2021, also gave its recommendations mainly regarding the distribution of the number of sessions in several areas of law, as well as balancing the theoretical part with the practical one. These recommendations will be presented to the AJ Managing Board for discussion and approval.

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