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Meeting with representatives of the British Embassy Project "Strengthening the Justice System in Kosovo"

On August 27, 2020, the Executive Director of the Academy of Justice, Enver Fejzullahu, had a meeting with the representatives of the British Embassy Project "Strengthening the Justice System in Kosovo", Mr. Ken Taylor, Project Director, and Mr. David Wells, Institutional Development Expert.

In this meeting, the Director initially thanked the British Embassy for the constant support given to the Academy of Justice and other justice institutions in Kosovo, at the same time informed them about the work of the Academy and enhanced cooperation with the Kosovo Judicial Council, Kosovo Prosecutorial Council and other stakeholders of the justice sector, in order to increase the capacity of the justice system and the quality of programs in general provided by the Academy of Justice.

Appreciating the so far cooperation, the representatives of this project, Mr. Taylor and Mr. Wells, informed the Director of AJ about the implementation of the Project and confirmed once again that they will have a joint coordination in the progress of activities with the aim of joint efforts to overcome this situation created as a result of the pandemic, as well as to continue cooperation to strengthening the rule of law in Kosovo.

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