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Legal persons in the minor offence procedure

September 15 2020, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program is conducting training on “Legal persons in the minor offence procedure”.

Trainer for this activity is Ms. Biljana Rexhiq, Judge in the Appeals Court.

Purpose of this training is extending the participants knowledge on definition of business entities as legal persons, and the responsible person of the legal entity, as well as implementation of the legal provisions for determining the responsibility of the legal person, of the responsible person of the legal entity, and of the natural person.

Focus of this training was on the following: ways of conducting the minor offence procedure towards the business entities in the capacity of a legal person, and against the responsible person of the legal entity.

During the training it was also elaborated on: responsibility of the legal entity and responsibility of the person in charge of the legal entity, business entities as individual businesses, and conducting the legal procedure against them, including the liability of the responsible person. 

training methodology was combined with interactive discussions elaborating on different cases from the judicial practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of the basic instance – Minor offence division from all regions of Kosovo.

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