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Work management in the administration of the judicial and prosecutorial system

On September 30, 2020, the Academy of Justice, within the Continuous Training Program, conducted training on: "Work management in the administration of the judicial and prosecutorial system." This training was held virtually through the electronic platform Zoom live, from 10:00 to 15:30h.


The purpose of this training was to advance the knowledge in the implementation of adequate standards of management and leadership through drafting plans, making reasonable decisions and creating the environment for creative and successful work.


During this training were addressed the work management and leadership in times of global crisis as well as the levels of hierarchy and the active management in times of crisis.


Special attention was paid to the Pandemic Crisis Management Plan, the structure and effect of its operation in practice, unprecedented risks such as the Covid-19 pandemic how to manage, alleviate, eliminate or predict it.


The training also discussed the principles of management, the role and importance of the manager, managerial skills and competencies, how to distinguish the manager from the leader and how to exercise the function of manager based on standards that guarantee success.


The applied methodology was combined with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions, where the trainers shared their experiences by transmitting their professional knowledge to the most efficient work.


Beneficiaries of this training were: Administrators and assistant court administrators and Prosecution Administrators from all regions of the Republic of Kosovo.

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