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Workshop - “Identification of training needs of judges and prosecutors on serious crimes”

On May 8, 2013, KJI in cooperation with OSCE conducted a workshop to identify the training needs of judges and prosecutors within the Department for Serious Crimes in the Courts and Prosecution Offices and the Special Prosecution Office.
During the workshop participants were informed about the KJI Work Program for 2013, namely the trainings in the criminal field relevant to the Serious Crime Department and there were discussions as well regarding the implementation of the most effective forms of trainings for judges and prosecutors.
In order to identify the training needs, participants were divided into working groups to discuss the needs for trainings. Therefore they identified the problematic issues in the case law in this field, and compiled a list of topics for the beneficiaries and trainings, and they recommended the most useful forms for the organization of the trainings in this field.

Participants in the workshop were the Presidents of Courts, Chief Prosecutors, Judges and Prosecutors from the Serious Crimes Department, Special Prosecutors from the Special Prosecution Office of Kosovo and EULEX, Kosovo police official, and representatives from the OSCE and KJI.

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