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Protection of children's rights in cases of divorce and cases of domestic violence

October 7-8 2020, Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training Program is conducting training on “Protection of the children rights in cases of divorce and cases of domestic violence”.

Experts engaged for this training are: Mr. Lumni Sallauka, judge in the Appeals Court, and Mr. Valon Totaj, judge in the Appeals Court.

Purpose of this training is to enhance the participant’s knowledge on legal aspects, of the national and international domain, as well as the court practice in provision of the help and protection for children during the undergoing court procedures, in cases when they are related to marital disputes.

This training used the methodology of interactive discussions and elaboration of different practical cases.

Beneficiaries of this training are judges of the Appeals Court, and judges and prosecutors of the basic instance from all regions of Kosovo, professional associates and victim advocates.

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