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Introductory Training on Competition Law and the Policy and Regulation of the State Aid in Kosovo

March 11 2021, Academy of Justice in cooperation with the EU Project to Support the Kosovo Competition and State Aid Authority, within the Continuous Training Program is conducting a training in Zoom Platform on the following topic: “Introductory Training on Competition Law and

the Policy and Regulation of the State Aid in Kosovo”.

Trainers for this activity are: Sigitas Cemnolonskis – Key Expert on the State Aid, the EU Project to Support the Kosovo Competition and State Aid Authority; and Mr. Igor Taccani - Expert at the Court of Justice of the European Union - Chambers of the Advocate General G. Pitruzzella.

Purpose of this training is to extend the participants knowledge on the EU Law on competition and its implementation in Kosovo.

The Training methodology is combined theoretical lecturing and interactive discussions.

Beneficiaries of this training are the judges, and officials of the State Aid, as well as officials of the EU Project.

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