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Sub-module: Contested Procedure – 1st part; Session four – Topic “Parties in the Contested Procedure”

March 31st 2021. Kosovo Justice Academy within its Initial Training Program for the newly appointed judges (generation VIII) is conducting the theoretical training from the sub-module on “Contested Procedure – first part” with trainer Mr. Albert Zogaj, Supreme Court Judge.

In the framework of this training session, the following topics are being addressed: Procedural presumptions regarding the parties, understanding of the parties in the Contested procedure, who can be a party in the Contested procedure, regular legal representation in case of lack of procedural capacity and inadequate representation of the party by the lawyer or the other person.

The training methodology is being implemented with the interactive method, elaborating practical cases.

Beneficiaries of the training are 24 newly appointed judges, two of whom are from the Serbian community.

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