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Second meeting of the Steering Committee of the project "Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Media - JUFREX 2"

March 31st 2021, Executive Director of the Academy of Justice, Mr. Enver Fejzullahu and Head of the Continuous Training Program, Mrs. Melihate Rama, participated in the second meeting of the Steering Committee of the Council of Europe’s Project on “Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Media – JUFREX 2”.

Purpose of this Meeting of the Steering Committee was presentation the work plans and discussion of the upcoming activities planned within this Project, the challenges that may occur and exchange of ideas and new proposals.

During the meeting the activities were introduced according to the JUFREX 2 Project components. The first component focused on the training programs with the purpose of capacity development of the judges, prosecutors and lawyers on the freedom of expression, and other components that relate to the media stakeholders.


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