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Sub-module - "Family law", second session - topic "Marital law, divorce, divorce procedure, maintenance obligation and parental rights"

On April 15, 2021, in the framework of the initial training program for newly appointed judges of the eighth generation (8), theoretical training is being conducted under the module "Family Law" with trainer Mr. Valon Totaj judge at the Court of Appeals.

In the framework of this training session are addressed: Marital law, obstacles and conditions for marriage, meaning, types of rights and obligations of spouses, ways of divorce, the main principles of the divorce procedure, meaning and importance of alimony obligation, understanding of parental rights.

The training methodology is being applied through practical cases and through conversation. The training is being conducted online through the "ZOOM" platform. Beneficiaries of the training are 24 newly appointed judges, two of whom are from the Serb community.

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