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Training: “European Legal Instruments on Cross-border cooperation in cases of Organized Crime and Corruption (Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters)”

On June 6 and 7, 2013, KJI in cooperation with the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) organized a two-day training on the abovementioned topic.The purpose of this training was to advance the knowledge of participants regarding the Extradition, ratified agreements and legally binding norms of the international law.
During this training, international experts presented and addressed the Law on International Legal Cooperation in Criminal Matters, concepts and application of international legal cooperation on the basis of the Treaties and Conventions as well as the extradition from and to Kosovo. 
The Twinning Project (EU) was also introduced, the mutual aid organization, duties and responsibilities of organizations on Legal cooperation such as the: Eurojust, the EJN, Europol, Interpol, ICC, ICITY and ICTR.
The training was marked by practical handling of cases and the exchange of experiences between trainers and participants. 

Participants of this training were: Judges of the Basic Courts from all regions of Kosovo, prosecutors from the Special Prosecution Office of Kosovo as well as investigators from the Customs of Kosovo.  

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