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Human Rights and Training for Legal Professionals

On June 18 and 19 in Strasbourg, France was conducted a conference entitled “Issues Related to Human Rights and Training for Legal Professionals”. This conference was organized by the Council of Europe, respectively the HELP  program which as a main purpose has the capacity building support for the implementation of trainings on human rights.
Topics addressed in this conference were the: cooperation in the organization of the trainings for legal professionals regarding the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the interaction between the training curricula on human rights, including the perspectives of human rights in the training curricula, international initiatives to train legal professionals, open training resources for legal professionals and model curricula in the field of human rights training. 
The conference was attended by representatives of national institutions for the training of judges, prosecutors and other legal professionals from 47 member countries of the Council of Europe. Since Kosovo is not a member state of the Council of Europe, KJI was invited at this conference as a monitor and was represented by the Director Lavdim says.
The experiences and recommendations of this conference are important in determining the content and methodology of the training programs for human rights which are applied from KJI.

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