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CTP Roundtable discussion: “Legal Writing and Reasoning”

KJI on June 24, 2013 held a roundtable discussion in Peja on the topic: “Legal Writing and Reasoning”. This roundtable was supported by USAID Program for the Effective Rule of Law and the main purpose was to advance the knowledge of judges in the field of practical application of modern methods of legal writing and reasoning in solving legal issues.
Judges after this roundtable will be able to apply a form of legal writing and reasoning which promotes a method of clear and logical thinking and a form of verbal and written expression, which supports the logical and responsible conclusions. The focus of the roundtable was the IRAC method (abbreviation in English) which presents a four-step analytical process, the application of this method in judicial practical cases. The roundtable was followed with reviewing cases and solving practical tasks set out in this field.
This roundtable was regional and the beneficiaries were judges of the Basic Courts from the region of Peja Gjakova and Prizren.

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