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Training Program for the Presidents of the Courts and Chief Prosecutors of the Prosecution Offices in Republic of Kosovo (09-14 September, Turkey)

In scope of the institutional cooperation between Kosovo Judicial Institute and the Academy of Justice from Turkey, a delegation comprised from Presidents of the Courts, Chief Prosecutors of the Prosecution Offices in the Republic of Kosovo, including the President of the Supreme Court, Chief State Prosecutor and KJI high representatives from 09th till 14th September 2013 have accomplished a training program at the institutions of the justice system in Turkey, with focus on management.
The aim of this program was to introduce to the participants the experiences in court management, prosecutions offices and justice institutions in Republic of Turkey in relation, to the management of the institutions that are led by them and the possibility to carry over experiences into judicial system in Republic of Kosovo.

During the program the participants were welcomed by the Leaders of the Constitutional Court, Academy of Justice, Ministry of Justice, High Council of Judges and Prosecutors, Presidency of the Court of Cassation, the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Court of Cassation, National Judiciary Informatics System as well as other Institutions in Republic of Turkey.
In all these meetings was expressed the need for intensification of inter-institutional cooperation and the will of the representatives from Republic of Turkey for continuous support in building up professional capacities of the judges, prosecutors, potential candidates for these functions and for the officials of the justice system in Kosovo.

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