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Roundtable discussion on module “Punishments and Measurement of the Punishments”

On 12th September 2013, KJI organised one roundtable discussion on topic “Punishments and Measurement of the Punishments”
During the roundtable discussion were treated the issues such as: principal punishments, alternative and accessory punishments, general principles on measurement of the punishment, including criminal liability, the motive for committing the criminal act, previous attitude of the criminal offender as well as other circumstances that affect the degree of the punishment.

The discussion was focused on differences between principal and accessory punishments, between accessory and alternative punishments and vice–versa, importance of impose of the punishment and applicability of the principles in relation to the impose of the punishment; the training was conducted through short theoretical presentations, discussion of the case examples in order to unify sanctioning policy.

Beneficiaries of this training were the judges from basic courts as well as the prosecutors from basic prosecution offices from all Kosovo Regions.

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