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Training: “Means for Execution of the contract (real and personal)”

On 19 September 2013 KJI held training on topic: “Means for Execution of the Contract (real and personal)”. 
This straining addressed the issues related to the understanding of the means in securing execution of the contract, types, and personal as well as real means for securing execution of the contract. It was broadly discussed about rightful implementation of the provisions from the New Law on Obligational Relationships and other applicable provisions in relation to the earnest, deposit and other means for personal security of contract execution such as withdrawal, conditional right and surety.

This training was focused on enhancement of the knowledge of the judges at all levels in relation to contracts  and particularly on means for securing execution of the contracts, especially after the Law on Obligational Relationships has entered into force.
The training was conducted through inter-active discussions and practical cases.

Beneficiaries of this training were the judges from general departments –civil divisions of all the Basic Court and the Judges from Special Chamber at Kosovo Supreme Court.

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