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Training of Trainers – Combating Violence Against Women / Domestic Violence

Today, May 18, 2021, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with the Council of Europe office in Prishtina, is conducting a Training of Trainers on: "Combating Violence against women / Domestic violence".

This training is organized as a result of many meetings and workshops, through which a manual and resource training material for judges and prosecutors in combating violence against women / domestic violence has been drafted.

The main purpose of the prepared manual is to serve as a resource for trainers, for planning and conducting interactive sessions focused on adult learning, as well as for judges and prosecutors on effective response when dealing with crimes involving violence against women or Domestic violence.

The Training of Trainers which will last 3 days, from May 18 to May 20, 2021, aiming to raise awareness of judges and prosecutors on issues of violence against women / domestic violence and improve their capacity for more effective response to these cases, having a more focused approach to the victims.

The main objectives of the Training are:

  1. Develop a better understanding by prosecutors and judges of the extent and nature of violence against women / domestic violence, the dynamics of such violence, the roots, and concepts of gender equality;
  2. Prosecutors and judges to be acquainted with international standards, in particular the Istanbul Convention and the Laws of Kosovo;
  3. Improve the knowledge and skills of prosecutors and judges to adopt a victim-centered approach, ensuring protection of women, empowering the victim, and holding perpetrators accountable

Beneficiaries of the training are: Judges from the Court of Appeals, the Basic Court and Prosecutors from the Basic Prosecution, all as engaged in cases of domestic violence

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