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Visit of the delegation from the (Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature) French National School for the Judiciary at the Kosovo Judicial Institute

On December 18 2013, The Kosovo Judicial Institute was paid a visit by a delegation from The French National School of the Judiciary. The delegation was welcomed by the KJI Director, the Acting Program Coordinator and Head of the Research and Publications Program. Purpose of this visit was to get acquainted with the judicial training in Kosovo, in which case the reciprocal cooperation and planning of future support to KJI was discussed. 

The Director introduced them with the KJI’s organizational structure, functioning and training programs, focusing on the Initial Training Program. The guests discussed and raised queries about reform of the judicial system, recruitment procedure of the candidates for judges and prosecutors, method of their assessment and monitoring, as well as implementation of the initial training. In this case, the guests from France had the opportunity to see closely the training of candidates at the initial program that was taking place at KJI. 

This meeting was concluded with a Memorandum of Understanding signed between representatives of The French National School of the Judiciary and the KJI Director. The French delegation also met with the Head of the EU Project for Legal Education reform that is supporting the KJI, with representatives of the State Prosecutor’s Office, as well as with the president of the Kosovo Judicial Council. 

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