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Sub-module on International Legal Cooperation in criminal matters – second sesion; Topic: International legal cooperation in criminal matters

On May 31 2021, Academy of Justice within the Initial Training Program for the eights generation of the newly appointed judges is conducting the theoretical training on International Legal cooperation in criminal matters with trainer Mr. Armend Hamiti, Prosecutor in the Basic Prosecution in Prishtina.

This training session is elaborating on the following: International Legal Cooperation and why it is needed; the Extradition procedure – comparative overviews and aspects; European arrest warrant; Judicial procedure for extradition in Kosovo and Mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.

Training methodology is using practical examples elaborating a specific case (example) and how the measures are taken in specific cases of extradition. The Training is taking place physically at the Academy of Justice. Beneficiaries are twenty-four judges and two of them are of the Serbian community.

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