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Strengthening International Legal Cooperation – Trans-border operations with modern methods of evaluation

From 28-30 January 2014, KJI in cooperation with the EU Twinning Project, in scope of training activities for judges and prosecutors appointed as focal points for International Legal Cooperation in criminal matters has conducted a-two day training with two separate sessions for two different groups of participants regarding “Trans-boundary operations with modern methods of evaluation”

Issues discussed during the training were mainly related to the basic principles, specifics of the mutual legal assistance, modern methods of assessment in the context of cross-border organized crime and asset recovery. It was also discussed about the legal requirements for implementation, phone interception, undercover investigations and cross-border undercover agents, controlled deliveries and joint teams.

Amongst others, the German experts in capacity of trainers recommended standard formats of various orders such as for house search orders, freezing of assets, phone interception, etc., that shall be practiced by the local people so that that this orders are admissible to the requested countries. In this context are mentioned cases when an order may be inadmissible to the other country.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and the prosecutors appointed as focal points in international legal cooperation matters.

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