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Roundtable discussion “Expropriation and Compensation”

On 6th February 2014 is delivered the next training in round within Continuous Training Program from civil area on topic expropriation and compensation.

During the training were addressed issues related to expropriation and compensation, expropriation requirements, cases when Municipality is the expropriating body, cases when government is the expropriating body, as well as analysis of the expropriation requirements.

Training was followed by case study from court practice in order to avoid problems that are faced in practice.

Besides judge trainers, KJI has invited also the representatives from Property Tax Department of the Ministry of Finance, in order to exchange their experiences regarding implementation of the legal provisions in expropriation procedure.

Beneficiaries of this training were the judges from Basic Courts, General Departments, and Civil Departments of all Kosovo Regions.

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