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Roundtable discussion “Competencies of the body for development of the administrative procedure as well as the parties proceeded”

On 3rd February 2014, is delivered the next training session in round within Continuous Training Program on topic Competencies of the body for development of the administrative procedure as well as the parties proceeded.

During the training were addressed issues related to the competence of the body for development of the administrative procedure, importance and it types during implementation in practice, and the parties proceeded in administrative dispute. At the same time the training addressed provisions of the Law on Courts no.03/L-199 of Republic of Kosovo regarding area of competence in adjudication of the administrative disputes. Training was followed by case study from court practice in order to overcome problems that are faced in practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were the judges from Appellate Court and the judges of from Basic Court in Prishtina of Administrative Department.

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