News and Activities - Archive


Workshop for drafting the KJI bylaws

During February 20th until 23rd 2014, the KJI working group held a workshop for drafting the bylaws for implementation of legal functions of KJI.

Purpose of this roundtable was drafting the bylaws that directly impact on improvement of the work and increase of structural and organizational unit capacities of KJI.  The drafted acts at this roundtable are related to the document archiving, document classification, use of information technology, issues concerning finance, publications, the distant learning platform and strategic areas for the donor’s support.

The workshop resulted in preparing the bylaws related to the aforementioned topics that will enable achievement of higher results in managing and carrying out the competencies and responsibilities set forth in the applicable laws.

The working group consisted of the KJI Director, the Program Heads and officers responsible for information technology and finance.

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