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Training of Trainers – “Development of the Modern Trainers Profile”

On 28 February and 01 March 2014, KJI conducted a training of trainers on: “Development of the Modern Trainers Profile”. This program was conducted by KJI trainers which are experts on the respective field.

The main objectives of this training were the proper application of the training manual, development of the learning objectives and the adequate methods of the interactive training as well as the drafting of the training content (application of the training plan).

The beneficiaries had the opportunity to be informed and discuss the criteria and the requirement set in the KJI training manual. During this training a great attention was paid to the time deadline of sending the materials and the necessity of the trainers in using adult learning methods during the delivery of the training.

The focus of this training was: drafting of the training content where the participants after drafting of the aforementioned plan had to present their work which was followed by the comments on pacification aspects of the trainings such as: incorporation of the study cases and other interactive methods, time managing, etc.

Through the use of the adult learning methods were demonstrated the presentation techniques where the participants were equipped with the instructions about the best practices of the lecturing.

Beneficiaries: KJI trainers which will be engaged during the period: April – June 2014.

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