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Enforcement procedure and novelties on the Law on Enforcement Procedure

On April 2nd 2014, the KJI within its training program for other professionals of the judicial system, organized one-day training dedicated to the court enforcement officers on the topic of “Enforcement procedure and novelties of the Law on enforcement procedure”.

Purpose of this training was establishment of best practices in the sense of correct application of the competencies of the court enforcement officers, in relation to private enforcement agents, as well as acquaintance with novelties of the Law on Enforcement procedure.

This training presented and discussed about core concepts of the New Law on Enforcement Procedure, particularly about the main novelties that this law foresees in relation of the court competencies, the role and obligations of the court enforcement officers, as well as executive titles of the reliable document.

The afternoon session presented several case studies followed by questions and answers about permission of enforcement, legal basis, and evaluation of sequestrated assets, complaint of the buyer, and auction. Trainers recommended best practices on the aforementioned topics.

Beneficiaries of this training were Enforcement Officers from all Basic Courts of Kosovo.

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