News and Activities - Archive


Workshop: “Criminal Offences against Justice Administration and Public Administration”

On 08 April 2014, KJI conducted a workshop on: “Criminal Offences against Justice Administration and Public Administration”.

During this workshop were treated topics such as criminal offences against justice administration and public administration, legalization of untruthful content, forgery of documents-public administration cases, differences between compilation of a untruthful document and the changes of the original or authentic document as well as the non-execution of the judicial decisions.

In the focus of the workshop were new criminal offences foreseen by the lawmaker such as: failure to inform the accused person by the international Crime Tribunal and providing the assistance to the accused person by this Tribunal, false statement given under oath, revenge, manipulation with evidences, and contempt of the court and non-execution of the judicial decisions.

The workshop was followed by study cases of the case law aiming to support judges and prosecutors in avoiding problems faced in practice.

Beneficiaries of this workshop were judges and prosecutors of basic level from all Kosovo regions.


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