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Workshop “Ordinary and extraordinary legal remedies (civil)”

On 10 April 2014, Kosovo Judicial Institute conducted a training on civil field on: “Ordinary and extraordinary legal remedies”.

During this workshop were treated topics related to the ordinary legal remedies such as the appeal against the ruling and judgment, causes of appeal against a decision, infringement of the material law, and infringement of the civil procedure as well as the wrongful verification of the factual state.

In the focus of this workshop were the extraordinary legal remedies, revision against a judgment or ruling, request for repetition of the procedure, relation between revision and the request for repetition of the procedure as well as the request for protection of legitimacy.

The workshop was followed by study cases and the case law aiming to support judges in avoiding the problems faced during daily practice.

Beneficiaries of this event were judges of basic level from all regions of Kosovo.

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