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Importance of ECHR to the Kosovo Judiciary – the principle “Ne bis in idem”

On 13 May 2014, within the Continuous Training Program a training on: Importance of ECHR to the Kosovo Judiciary – the principle “Ne bis in idem” was conducted.

Purpose of this training was to advance the knowledge of the participants on the Ne bis in idem” principle, which is a principal rule and the fundamental human right, its application in national legislation, the ECHR practice in Strasbourg and of the ECJ in Luxemburg, as well as acquaintance with the Republic of Kosovo’s legislation about this topic.

During this training were treated issues related to the meaning of this principle, when its application started, the purpose of its application into the modern legislation of the European case law, how this fundamental principle was guaranteed with the constitution, statutory limitation with a special article of CPCK, the part of the criminal procedure principles and other issues related to the subject.

The training was accompanied with the study cases of the case law aiming to help judes and prosecutors in overcoming the challenges faced during the practical application of the aforementioned subject.

Përfitues të këtij trajnimi ishin gjyqtarë të nivelit themelor nga regjionet e ndryshme të Kosovës si dhe prokuror nga Prokuroria e Apelit.

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