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Completion of the first phase and preparation of the second phase of ITP V

On 8 May 2014, was completed the first phase of the Initial Training Program (ITP) fifth generation. During 3 month of first the ITP first phase was entirely implemented the training program according to the training schedule. During this phase were treated 22 Modules, 121 training sessions or 363 training hours.

For the implementation of the ITP first phase trainings, where engaged 26 trainers.

ITP Training Program 2013/2014, in addition to frequent trainings, KJI has foreseen that during the first and second phase, the candidates will attend training programs at the different institutions of the justice system and other institutions, excluding courts and prosecution offices.

Out of 19 institutions foreseen in Training Program, during the first phase was managed to conduct trainings in 6 of them:

  • Anti-Corruption Agency;
  • Ombudsperson Institution;
  • Kosovo Property Agency;
  • Kosovo Cadastral Agency;
  • Correctional Center of Dubrava;
  • Correctional Center of Lipjan.

Practical training in other institutions are expected to occur during the second phase.

ITP second phase will commence on Monday, 19 May 2014. All necessary preparation were done for the commencement of these trainings, starting from the Modules, training calendar and training schedule, contracts and trainer invoices, notification of the trainers about the trainings, sending by email of the training applications, registration lists of the candidates, preparation of the training rooms where candidates will attend separate training as foreseen by the Training Program for the second phase.



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