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Training “Investigation of large scale corruption cases”

On May 22nd 2014, the KJI in cooperation with B&S Europe conducted a training on “Investigation of large scale corruption cases”.

Purpose of this training was to raise awareness and the possibilities for improving investigation of large scale corruption cases, which requires a great engagement of prosecutors, police investigators and all other law enforcement officials.  

Local and international trainers elaborated topics related to definition of corruption, legal infrastructure, main characteristics, preventive measures of corruption and practices in corruption combating.

Also, particular attention was paid to competencies and authorizations that the Financial Investigation Unit has, provisional sequestration, management of sequestrated and confiscated assets by the Agency for Sequestrated and Confiscated Asset Management. The training was complemented with case studies from court practice with the purpose of avoiding issues occurring in practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance from all regions of Kosovo, as well as Kosovo Police, Kosovo Customs and KTA.

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