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Training of Trainers – “Developing Modern Trainer Profile”

On 6-7 June 2014 in order to support the trainers in implementing different training success in the judicial area, KJI within the ToT program conducted a training on: "Developing Modern Trainer Profile."

The main purpose of this training was to train the participants in the implementation of a training manual, development of training objectives and interactive teaching techniques, as well as the design and content of training agendas for implementation of the training plan.

During this training were practiced the methodology, modern techniques, styles and moderation techniques that induce the development of training content, were explained the trainers working practices, application of modern theories of adult learning and were identify effective teaching strategies.

A part of this training was dedicated to the working groups on compilation of the agenda and contents of the training structure through which participants had the opportunity to practice their presentation skills, planning training forms followed by the methodology and training techniques.

Beneficiaries of this training were KJI trainers who will be engaged in the second half of 2014.


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