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The Contract Law – Construction Contracts

On September 21 and 22 2021, Academy of Justice in cooperation with Checchi&Company Consulting Inc., implementer of the USAID Commercial Justice Program, is continuing conducting pilot trainings in the Commercial Justice area, i.e. on the Contracts Law – Construction Contracts.

This training is continuation of the recruitment process of the commercial law trainers, and implementation of the curriculum and the foreseen pilot trainings.

The purpose of the training is for the participants to gain more knowledge about the Construction Contract and its features, special forms of the construction contract, legal effects of the construction contract, rights and obligations of the builder, etc.

During the second day of training the topics of general aspects of the construction contract will be addressed, including termination of the Construction Contract, bank guarantee, as well as court practice in cases of construction contract. Throughout the training there will be case studies from the practice of trainers and cases before the courts in general.

The training is taking place virtually through the ZOOM platform, as a result of protection measures against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Beneficiaries of the training are: Judges of the commercial Department, Judges of the General Department - Civil Division, and their professional associates.

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