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Sub-module on the Criminal Procedure Code – Role of the judge in preliminary procedure – Session 4; Topic: “Temporary sequestration”

October 15 2021, Initial training Program for the newly appointed judges (generation 8) is conducting a theoretical training from the sub-module on Criminal Procedure Code – Role of the judge in the preliminary procedure in criminal cases with trainer Mr. Ali Kutllovci, judge in the Mitrovica Basic Court.

This training session will cover the following: items that cannot be temporarily sequestrated, sequestration and confiscation as two forms of taking the illicit property, legal basis for taking the criminally acquired property and ways of sequestration during search.

Training methodology consists of practical cases and interactive discussions. The training is being held in person at the Academy premises applying all protection measures against COVID-19 and is available online via the Zoom platform.

Beneficiaries of this training are the 24 newly appointed judges, two of whom are of the Serbian community.

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