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Training of Trainers - Freedom of Expression - Article 10 of the ECHR

Today, October 19, 2021, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with JUFREX - the European Union Project and the Council of Europe is conducting a Training of Trainers on "Freedom of Expression - Article 10 of the ECHR".

The Training of Trainers will last 4 days, from October 19, 2021 to October 22, 2021, where the main concepts of Article 10 of the ECHR will be addressed.

The training aims to increase the capacity of legal professionals to apply European and international standards in the field of freedom of expression.

During the first two days of the training, the basic principles of freedom of expression and the conditions for its restriction will be addressed - implementation of the three-step test, right to access information, discussion on the methodology and content of the training, safety of journalists in Kosovo, ECtHR standards for the safety of journalists, the fight for justice.

While on days III and IV will be treated whistle-blowing and methodology as well as group presentations by participants.

The training is being conducted in person, respecting all the measures provided by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo and the Ministry of Health in order to protect against the COVID-19 virus.

Beneficiaries of the training are: Judges from the Court of Appeals, Judges and Prosecutors from the Basic level, as well as Lawyers.

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