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Sub module – Special procedures of CPCK, topic – Detention on remand – second session

On 15 November 2021, within the Initial Training Program for newly appointed judges, generation eight (8), is conduction a theoretical training under the sub module: “Special Procedures of CPCK” with the trainer Mr. Skender Çoçaj, Judge of the Basic Court in Prizren.

The session addresses detention on remand for persons with mental disorders, detention on remand for minors with mental disorders, special conditions that must be met to order detention on remand for a person with mental disorders, suspension or termination of proceedings due to ruling on the inability to be tried, implementation of the procedure for imposing the measure of compulsory psychiatric treatment, court decisions and imposing and calculating the measure of compulsory psychiatric treatment

The training methodology applied consist of practical cases and the interactive discussions. The training is being carried out in person at the Academy of Justice by implementing all preventive measures against the COVID-19 virus.

Beneficiaries of the training are 24 newly appointed judges, two of whom are from the Serb community.

Përfitues të trajnimit janë 24 gjyqtarë të sapoemëruar, ku dy prej tyre janë të komunitetit serb.

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